Episode 128

Stare: The Italian Verb You Need to Know!


February 27th, 2024

10 mins 54 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

When should you use the verb stare? It can feel confusing at first – let’s clear things up so you can use it with confidence in conversation!

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Today's Italian words:
Come stai? = How are you? (lit. how you stay?)
I Sardi stanno bene = Sardinians are healthy/well (lit. The Sardinians stay well)
Cosa stai bevendo? = What are you drinking?
Stiamo per mangiare = We’re about to eat
Mi piace stare al mare = I like spending time at the seaside (lit. stay at the sea)
Lascia stare! = Let it go; forget about it
Stare a tavola = To spend time at the dinner table (lit. stay at table)