Episode 24

Una pizza, grazie! How to order food in Italian


July 15th, 2017

8 mins 45 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Imagine going into a restaurant in Italy, or an Italian restaurant in your hometown and doing everything in Italian - from greeting the waiter, to asking for the bill. Find out how in this episode of 5 Minute Italian.

Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-order-food-in-italian/

Today’s words
Buonasera = good evening
Un tavolo per due = a table for two
Un tavolo per tre = a table for three
In quanti siete = in how many are you?
Siamo in due = there are two of us
Siamo in tre = there are three of us
Siamo in quattro = there are four of us
Posso avere il menù? = can I have the menu?
Posso avere il menù in italiano? = can I have the menu in Italian?
Posso avere il menù in inglese? = can I have the menu in English?
Posso avere il conto? = can I have the bill?
Che cosa vi porto da bere? = What shall I bring you to drink?
Un bicchiere di prosecco = a glass of prosecco
Un bicchiere di vino rosso = a glass of red wine
Un bicchiere di vino bianco = a glass of white wine
Una bottiglia di vino rosso = a bottle of red wine
Una bottiglia di vino bianco = a bottle of white wine

The 5 Minute Italian Academy beta is now closed. You can now get bonus materials by joining our mailing list here: courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/

Intro: Ciao by Lee Maddeford(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License).