Episode 37

Fare: the magic verb that will help you sound more Italian


January 28th, 2018

11 mins 2 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Learning a language can feel like hard work sometimes!

One way to make it easier is by starting with words that Italians say all the time. Like the magic verb "fare", which means make or do. Once you learn it, you'll be able to use it in loads of handy Italian expressions. 

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Today’s words
Allora = so
Ti faccio una domanda = I’ll ask you a question (literally: you I do a question)
Che fai sabato? = What are you doing on Saturday?
Che fai il sabato? = What do you do on Saturdays?
Faccio colazione = I have breakfast (literally = I do breakfast)
Poi = then
Faccio la spesa = I do the food shopping
Fa caldo = It’s hot (literally = it does hot)
Fa freddo = it’s cold (literally = it does cold)
Mi piace uscire = I like to go out
Per fare delle foto = to take some photos (literally: for do some photos)
Fai pulizia in casa? = do you clean the house? (literally: you do cleaning in house?)
Si, un sacco! = yes, loads!
Fare una festa = have a party (literally = do a party)
Fare un errore = make a mistake
Faccio = I do
Fai = you do
Fa = he/she/it does
Facciamo = we do
Fate = you all/both do
Fanno = they do