Episode 40

More sneaky ways to remember Italian verbs


February 22nd, 2018

7 mins 50 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Did you know that Bill Gates can help you learn Italian? He's often quoted as saying: I will always hire a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it.

This describes exactly how we feel about Italian verbs - what's the point in wasting time doing it the hard way, when there's an easier way? In today's episode, you'll learn more sneaky shortcuts to help you remember Italian verbs.

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Today’s words
Aspettare = to wait
Aspetto = I wait
Aspetti = you wait
Aspettiamo = we wait
Vedere = to see
Vedo = I see
Vedi = you see
Vediamo = we see
Partire = to leave
Parto = I leave
Parti = you leave
Partiamo = we leave
Aspetta = he/she waits
Parla = he/she speaks
Scrive = he/she writes
Vede = he/she sees
Parte = he/she leaves
Dorme = he/she sleeps
Fumare = to smoke
Fuma = He/she smokes
Fuma? = does he/she smoke?
Prendere = take
Prende = he/she takes
Il treno = the train
Prende il treno = he/she takes the train
Quando = when
Quando prende il treno?
Offrire = offer
Offre da bere =he/she is buying the drinks.