Episode 43

Capeesh?! The other -ire verbs in Italian


April 22nd, 2018

11 mins 8 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

You know "capeesh?!" from gangster movies? Turns out it's not Italian! Learn how Italians really use the verb "capire" (understand) + other -ire verbs.

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Today’s Italian Words and Phrases
Capisco il francese = I understand French
Ma non lo parlo = But I don’t speak it.
Capisco = I understand
Pulisco = I clean
Finisco = I finish
Perché lo capisci ma non lo parli? = Why do you understand it but you don’t speak it? (literally: why it understand, but not it you speak?)
Capisci = You understand
Pulisci = You clean
Finisci = You finish
Non mi capiscono = They don’t understand me
Capiscono = They understand
Puliscono = They clean
Finiscono = They finish
Capisce = He/she understands; You understand (formal)
Pulisce = He/she cleans; You clean (formal)
Finisce = He/she finishes; You finish (formal)
Capiamo = we understand
Puliamo = we clean
Finiamo = we finish
Capite = you all understand (plural you)
Pulite = you all clean (plural you)
Finite = you all finish (plural you)