Episode 51

Italian Pronouns: What they are and how to use them


August 26th, 2018

8 mins 58 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Recently, we've been learning phrases like "mi manchi" (I miss you) and "mi dispiace" (I'm sorry).  But what is the little "mi" at the beginning of these phrases? Learn about Italian pronouns and how to use them.

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Io sono inglese e tu sei italiano = I'm English and you're Italian.

Io = I

Sono = am

Inglese = English

E = and

Tu = you

Sei = are

Italiano = Italian

Mangio = I eat

Mangi = you eat

Mangiamo = we eat

Beh...io bevo il caffè e tu bevi il tè = Well I drink coffee and you drink tea.

Beh = well

io = I

bevo = I drink

il caffè = (the) coffee

e = and

tu = you

bevi = you drink

il tè = (the) tea

Tu cucini bene la pasta e io cucino bene i dolci = You cook pasta well and I cook desserts well

Tu = you

Cucini = you cook

Bene = well

La pasta = (the) pasta

e = and

io = I

cucino = I cook

bene = well

i dolci = (the) desserts

Ma non ci conformiamo sempre agli stereotipi = But we don't always conform to stereotypes.

Ma = but

Non = not

Ci conformiamo = we conform

Sempre = always

Agli = to the

Stereotipi = stereotypes

Io arrivo sempre in anticipo, tu sei sempre in ritardo! = I always arrive early and you're always late.

Io = I

Arrivo = I arrive

Sempre = Always

In anticipo = early (as in arrive early)

Tu = you

Sei = you are

Sempre = always

In ritardo = late

io = I

tu = you

lui = he

lei = she

noi = we

voi = you plural (you all/you both/y'all/yous depending on where you're from!)

loro = they

Lui beve il caffè e lei beve il tè = He drinks coffee and she drinks tea

Noi mangiamo la pasta e loro mangiano la pizza = We eat pasta and they eat pizza