Episode 58

How to use "le" in Italian (to her, for her)


December 2nd, 2018

8 mins 47 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Learn how to use the Italian pronoun "le", which means "to her" or "for her".

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Today's Italian words and phrases
Che cosa fai quando finisci il latte di soia di tua sorella? = What do you do when you finish your sister’s soy milk?
Che cosa = what
Fai = you do
Quando = when
Finisci = you finish
Il latte = the milk
Di soia = of soia
Di tua sorella = of your sister?
Le compro un’altra bottiglia = I buy another bottle for her.
Le = for her
Compro = I buy
Un’altra = another
Bottiglia = bottle
Quando lascia le cose in giro? = When she leaves things hanging around?Quando = when
Lascia = she leaves
Le cose = the things
In giro = around
Le dico di mettere in ordine! = I tell her to tidy up!
Le = to her
Dico = I say
di = to (literally of)
Mettere = put
In = in
Ordine = order
Le dico = I tell her/say to her
Gli dico = I tell him/say to him
Quando è raffreddata? = when she has a cold?
Le faccio un tè con miele = I make a tea with honey for her.
Le = for her
Faccio = I make
Un tè = a tea
Con miele = with honey.
Le do il mio passaporto = I give you my passport (formal)
Le do = I give her OR I give you (formal)
Le offro un caffè = I offer you a coffee (formal)
Le offro = I offer her OR I offer you (formal)