Episode 60

How to Learn Italian - Tips from a Polyglot Italian teacher


January 13th, 2019

31 mins 41 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

An interview with Italian teacher and language expert Stefano - get tips on how to learn grammar, make consistent progress and stay motivated all year.

Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://joyoflanguages.online/italian-school

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Bonus materials for today's episode: https://italian.joyoflanguages.com/podcast/how-to-learn-italian

Today's Italian words

Buon 2019 a tutti! = Happy 2019 everyone

Buon = good

A = to

Tutti = everyone

Oggi parliamo di cosa ci vuole per imparare bene l’italiano = Today, we're talking about what's needed to learn Italian well.

Oggi = today

Parliamo = we speak

Di = about

Cosa = what

Ci vuole = is needed

Per = in order to

Imparare = learn

Bene = well

l’italiano = Italian (literally "the Italian")

In questo nuovo anno appena iniziato = In this new year (that's) just begun.

In = in

Questo = this

Nuovo = new

Anno = Year

Appena = just

Iniziato = started

Innanzitutto, bisogna sapere ascoltare = First of all, it's necessary to know how to listen

Innanzitutto = first of all

Bisogna = it's needed/necessary

Sapere = know how to

Ascoltare = listen

Per poi ripetere e imitare = in order to then repeat and imitate.

Per = in order to

Poi = then

Ripetere = repeat

e = and

Imitare = imitate

Inoltre, ci vuole pazienza = Furthermore, you need patience

Inoltre = furthermore

Ci vuole = it's needed

Pazienza = patience

Meglio progredire piano e bene, che non rapidamente ma male = It's better to progress slowly and well, rather than quickly but badly.

Meglio = better

Progredire = progress

Piano = slowly

e = and

Bene = well

Che non = rather than

Rapidamente = quickly

Ma = but

Male = badly

Infine = in the end

Serve = it's needed

Una forte = a strong

Motivazione = motivation

La nostra passione è il motore che può portarci lontano = our passion is the engine that can take us far

La = the

Nostra = our

Passione = passion

è = is

Il motore = the engine

Che = that

Può = can

Portare = take

Ci = us

Lontano = far