Co-Host of Learn Italian with Joy of Languages
Katie has hosted 95 Episodes.
114: Altrettanto: The Easiest Way To Reply in Italian
October 31st, 2023 | 7 mins 52 secs
education, italian, language learning
Not sure how to respond in Italian? Use ‘altrettanto’ to have an instant reply in these everyday situations!
113: Italian Prepositions Made Easy: Tips and Tricks for Learners
October 24th, 2023 | 11 mins 18 secs
education, italian, language learning
Confused by Italian prepositions? Don't worry! Here you’ll learn them in a simple way, so you can feel confident using them in conversation with Italians.
112: 3 Essential Ways to say Please in Italian
October 17th, 2023 | 8 mins 58 secs
education, italian, language learning
Do Italians say please? Learn the 3 most authentic ways to be polite in Italian.
111: 10 Italian Sayings with Numbers That Will Impress Your Friends
October 10th, 2023 | 9 mins 6 secs
education, italian, language learning
Learn these common Italian sayings with numbers and impress everyone with your knowledge of colloquial Italian!
110: The 4 Meanings of Allora in Italian
October 3rd, 2023 | 10 mins 1 sec
education, italian, language learning
Feel like Italians say allora all the time, but not exactly sure what it means? Read on to learn the 4 situations when you should be using it - and when you shouldn’t!
109: Everyday Italian Phrases to Describe Your Routine
September 26th, 2023 | 9 mins 34 secs
education, italian, language learning
What do you do every day? Here you’ll learn those routine Italian words and phrases you absolutely have to know!
108: Learn Italian Numbers 1- 100… And Avoid These Common Mistakes!
September 19th, 2023 | 16 mins 51 secs
education, italian, language learning
Knowing your Italian numbers is an essential skill for beginners. Learn and remember them easily with this guide.
107: Italian Restaurant Etiquette: How to Order Like a Local
September 12th, 2023 | 11 mins 33 secs
education, italian, language learning
Learn how to order food in Italian and avoid the common mistakes most people make in Italian restaurants. You’ll be ordering like a local in no time!
106: Nervous to Speak Italian? Here’s what to do
September 5th, 2023 | 15 mins 9 secs
education, italian, language learning
If you’re nervous to speak Italian don’t worry: you’re not alone! Here you’ll learn how to overcome these nerves and start speaking Italian with confidence.
105: How to Learn Italian - 3 Tips to Learn Quickly and Start Speaking
August 29th, 2023 | 8 mins 6 secs
education, italian, language learning
Ready to learn Italian? These 3 tips will help you learn quickly and start speaking the language asap. Let’s get started!
104: How to Pronounce August in Italian (+ Summer Announcement)
July 25th, 2023 | 8 mins 30 secs
education, italian, language learning
Can you say August in Italian? You might be making a mistake without realising it! Learn how to pronounce it like an Italian.
103: 5 Italian TV shows we can’t stop watching
July 18th, 2023 | 13 mins 9 secs
education, italian, language learning
Dive into the best of Italian TV with this must-watch list of five shows. And binge-watch your way to better Italian!
102: What’s Italian for Hotel? (+ 10 Travel Words You Need to Know)
July 11th, 2023 | 9 mins 18 secs
education, italian, language learning
Wondering how to say “hotel” in Italian? Read on to find out, and learn 10 more essential Italian travel words while you’re at it!
101: Master the Pronunciation of EURO in Italian: Tips and Tricks
July 4th, 2023 | 9 mins 32 secs
education, italian, language learning
Are you struggling with the pronunciation of "euro" in Italian? Look no further! Get tips and tricks to say it like a native.
100: What’s Italian for “bon voyage”?
June 27th, 2023 | 12 mins 23 secs
education, italian, language learning
Ever wondered what to say in Italian for “bon voyage”? Learn exactly how to wish someone a good trip in Italian, as well as other useful phrases for travelling.
99: How to Go Shopping in Italian: Beginner’s Guide
June 20th, 2023 | 11 mins 26 secs
education, italian, language learning
Planning on buying some lovely things in Italy? How about doing your shopping in Italian! Learn some useful phrases and tips so you can shop like a local.